Friday, July 24, 2015

Free to not choose...

Free to not choose to eat GMO foods...

Congress passed a bill that banned GMO labels on food, despite what many consumers want. This goes straight to my point about the importance of transparency to 'democratized' markets. We can choose what color t-shirt or car or shoes or ___ (fill in the blank) we buy; we choose acid washed or stone washed; we choose 2 GHz or 3 GHz, 2 Gb/4 Gb/8 Gb... But Congress has decided we can't choose GMO or non-GMO; glyphosate or non-glyphosate; Monsanto or non-Monsanto. Because consumers can't choose, the GMO food market is a fixed market... and doesn't that run counter Laissez-faire economics?

Free to not choose health insurers...

Two major health insurer mergers
-Anthem buying Cigna
-Aetna buying Humana

The capitalists really don't want competition to eat into their profits and they are winning big time.


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