Tuesday, August 18, 2015


I've been thinking about how I (as audience member) would/could respond to a disruptive protest like what happened to Bernie Sanders in Seattle. I think if the protesters annoyed me, I would turn my back to them and ostentatiously cover my ears with my hands. The point being to devoid protesters of my unwilling participation.

By the way, this isn't a denunciation of the Black Lives Matter movement. I haven't quite worked out my position... they still have far to go to do what Glen Ford said so well:

"...In terms of the Black Lives Matter shutting down these candidates, I’m totally with that. I wish they would shut all of them down. But I get a little bit confused. If our only demand is that these Democratic, and I guess Republican, candidates for president declare and recognize that black lives matter, so what if they do? What after that? What is the real demand? Are you then going to vote for these same criminals just because they said the magic words, yes, black lives matter? Movements are defined by their demands. And a year after Michael Brown’s death, a year after the emergence of this incipient movement, this movement needs to be about getting its demands together, and that would be something to strategize about and to move forward..."

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