Thursday, October 26, 2017

Wayne Lapierre's gun deaths

According to, there are approximately 12,000 gun homicides per year in this country (when suicides are included, gun deaths exceed 32,000 per year). Wayne Lapierre has been head of the NRA since 1991. A gun death wall in the style of the Vietnam Memorial Wall (a little over 58,000 names) for the period of Lapierre's reign would run 5-15 times the size of the Vietnam War Memorial; it would take 40-115 hours to read all the names. The policies promoted and advocated by Mr. Lapierre doesn't put guns in the hands of 'good guys' who disarm 'bad guys'; they put guns in the hands of gun enthusiasts, criminals and terrorists who committed those and future deaths. Under the Patriot Act, Wayne Lapierre is guilty of providing aid and material support to terrorist; under many local jurisdictions, he is an accomplice to arming criminals... he should be prosecuted as such. 
I stand with Alison Parker's father in his efforts to demote Wayne Lapierre.

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