Monday, October 31, 2016

Gaius Publius posted 'TPP Is a Monopoly Protection Scheme, the Exact Opposite of a "Free Trade" Deal' at Down with Tyranny blog.

I left this comment:
The most valuable commodity is information. Information about boundaries define nations and states; information about military assets ('soft' information like logistics; 'hard information of weapons plans) define military strength/power; 'popular' information (music, literature, fashion, news) define cultures; corporate/trade/safety information (patents, wages, exposure risks) define and determine profits. This being the case, any and all policy(ies) regulating trade and economics regulates information; including multi-national trade pacts. A truly free market would have near information transparency. Information transparency *may* also circumvent the need for regulation; in your example of certified measuring devices, transparency would enable consumer experience to establish valuable information/data on quality of sellers and their goods.
The original post focused on specifically on TPP. It's important to understand all policy has economic consequences.

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