Monday, November 7, 2016

More confirmation...

of the corrupting influence of information control/secrecy. This time, a post at Truthout describes the role of secret power brokers on U.S. elections - they effectively eliminate any chance of voters to select their favorite candidate by locking out most political speech.

My comment:
Absolutely. Secrecy and control of information are at the root of power and wealth concentration in this country and elsewhere. The Real News Network recently posted a series about how trade became linked to control of intellectual property which expands into how information control ('intellectual property') benefits its controllers to the detriment of economies and the majority of people at large ( Indeed, the economic consequences of information control (including disinformation) is behind the climate change that threatens economies, ecosystems and humanity. If we really want to fix the system, the most meaningful reform would start with universal whistleblower protection.

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