Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Political hypocrisy

Examples of hypocrisy in the political sphere. All concern the Republican Party. [Note: I do not support the Democratic Party although I tend to have progressive positions. Spotlighting Republican hypocrisy does not let Democrats off the hook.]

POTUS DJT's Justice Department is threatening to withhold federal funding if state and/or local governments fail to comply with federal laws... What happened to the Republican Party's respect for local control/governance?


Comment at a C&L post about Ted Cruz blaming impending government shutdown on Democrats:
The ultimate hypocrite. He and his party don't believe in the Constitution. They use the law to defeat the spirit of the Constitution (promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity) to enrich themselves and the financial elites. They claim to be Christians yet they don't follow the Golden Rule often attributed to Jesus (Do unto others as you would have them do unto you). Just as Christianity is not about self interest, neither is patriotism promoting your best interest at the expense of your fellow citizens. 
BTW, an excellent example is in the NPR story about military families needing food aid to feed themselves.


Comment at C&L post where DHS head, General John Kelly, says "If lawmakers do not like the laws that we enforce — that we are charged to enforce, that we are sworn to enforce — then they should have the courage and the skill to change those laws, otherwise, they should shut up and support the men and women on the front lines.":
Everyday your party works to cut military pensions and Social Security benefits that support veterans and their families; everyday your party works to cut VA funding to give the rich tax cuts; everyday your party rants about repealing Obamacare which many veterans' families rely on; everyday your party wants more guns on the street that threaten the lives of veterans, law enforcement and everyone else. Practically every word on this video was disrespectful to the people you claim to serve.

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