Saturday, June 10, 2017


Comment at C&L:
The greatest threat posed to the U.S. Constitution by DJT is the privatization of the executive branch. In many ways, Congress has already been privatized; each congress critter has their personal cohort of financial donors. With DJT, POTUS no longer represents or acts in the interests of the American people; rather, as CEO of America, the job of POTUS is to pad his income and those of his board members first (POTUS & cabinet) followed by his shareholders (donors).
Candidate DJT was highly contemptuous of past presidents and had little respect for the power and responsibilities of the job. Now that he is POTUS DJT, shows no willingness to assume that mantle. In his view, the Presidency is not a role he needs to grow into but rather a role he can twist and fit into his self image.
External controls to our democracy are failing: By normalizing his behavior and failing to challenge his deficiencies, media is enabling the CEO-ization of the presidency. By not impeaching him, Congress is allowing DJT to distort the role of POTUS and empower the position with power never conferred by the Constitution. The consequences of allowing DJT to redefine the job of POTUS are a threat to the nation and the planet.

There are experiences/roles/jobs which force people to grow - a good example is parenthood. A responsible parent will see to their child/children's wellbeing before their own pleasure. The shift from non-parent to parent forces transformative growth. The job of POTUS is likewise a transformative job; the power and responsibility substantially changes people. But DJT has decided he is bigger than being POTUS. He is changing the job and not to its improvement.

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