Monday, July 29, 2019

Retail decline?

I had to take an elderly friend shoe shopping and the reception we received at a local shoe store was unfriendly to say the least. It was a big store, two shoe aisles deep and absolutely no visible benches until the very back corridor (children's shoes) parallel to the entrance... so I picked up a bench and moved it over to the adult area where my elderly friend wanted to try on shoes.

(1) Don't make customers need to ask and search for benches in a shoe store!

Then a clerk came along and started harping about fire regulations, etc.

(2) The polite customer friendly response would be to apologize and move the bench to the end of the *nearest* aisle in keeping with fire regulations to best accommodate the limitations of their elderly, frail customer.

When I pointed out their customer had physical limitations that the store was not accommodating, the response was to submit a complaint online.

(3) Do not disrespect the comments of a live customer to their face! It should be the responsibility of every employee to improve the quality of the product and service of any company they work for. This especially includes passing the face-to-face critiques of customers up the chain of the company.

I was so livid, I've decided to never buy from that brand store again. I seldom buy that brand shoe and now I am much less likely to buy them also... no Skechers for me (my friend too).

BTW, I am not saying I was 'right' in my actions but the clerk was absolutely 'wrong' in the way they interacted with us.

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