Thursday, September 26, 2019

Single payer now!

My one personal example illustrates why the U.S. needs single payer health care... I pay over six thousand dollars in health insurance premiums per year for the 'privilege' of shelling out an infinite amount of deductible cost for medical care (which is promised to increase next year). Until my medical needs exceed my 'out-of-pocket' expenses, my insurer (Blue Cross Blue Shield) makes a profit of >6K per year just to keep my name on their 'covered' list. I have a medical issue that I really should investigate, but the prospect of paying out of pocket for doctors visits and diagnostic scans has me putting off care. I will say it again, if I could enroll in a single payer health plan for the current cost of my premium (or even with a significant increase), I would sign up in a new-york-minute. American health insurance is a scam where the insurance providers charge a high 'premium' that is immediately entered into the profit line of their accounting books at the expense of the health and well-being of their victims. This can be fixed.

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