Friday, August 18, 2017

About time

Comment at TRNN. Economist Dean Baker finally starts talking about the impact of information control of intellectual property on income/wealth inequality:

"...unfortunately we're not having that discussion." 
(1) Not true. I have repeatedly commented on the corrosive effects of information control (including intellectual information) on economies and democracy. But I am *not* a prominent economist with a media presence. For that matter, I am not an economist at all. Everything I know has been picked up on wikipedia and listening to podcasts (Economic Update) so...
(2) Why has it taken *so* long for any professional economist to ask this question? The role of 'perfect information' in 'perfect competition' should be elementary economics. It's so basic and foundational, it should be a matter of debate in every economics class on the planet...
(3) This really suggests the entire field of economics has some serious flaws...
(4) [from another thread] ... economies are designed and determined by ideologues not economists. Capitalism, Keynesian economics, Marxism, Communism... all economic systems are ideologies. By adhering to a particular 'school of economics', economists aren't social scientists; they do not engage in the normal rules of science: test the predictions of a hypothesis and adjust theory(ies) to fit. Instead, economists and their followers are indoctrinated into an economic ideology and stand firm to defend it on any and all grounds with carefully constructed questions and statistics. In the end, each ideology produces a system where a small group of powerful people make the majority of economic policies that affect the lives all everyone in their purview. 
Improving education and campaign finance reform are often mentioned as ways to reform our current political/economic system. Reform of the field of economics from an ideologically driven exercise into a data driven system based science should be added to that list.

Search for <Intellectual Property Rights Protect Massive Profits of Corporations> here if link doesn't gets altered in the future.

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