Saturday, August 26, 2017

Information transparency is better resistance

Ever since DJT assumed the position of POTUS, there has been a sustained effort to resist his words and actions from numerous groups on the left and progressive fronts. As an embodiment of concentrated power and wealth, DJT is very worthy of resistance... however, the resistors do not deserve the eventual outcome of resistance. What I mean is that movements need leaders and any position of leadership is imbued. The system we are fighting is one that concentrates power. A resistance that concentrates power to resist concentrated power will eventually fall into the same pattern of concentrated power... and the cycle continues endlessly. 

A much better way to fight the concentration of power is to distribute the power more equally. So resistance then becomes figuring out what makes individuals powerful so the what can be dispersed... and the answer is information. Controlling information is how individuals gain, hold and increase their power. Corporations (major stockholders) are rich and powerful because they control valuable intellectual property. Governments are powerful because they control information about corporations (regulation), foreign entities (spying) and the military (armaments, capabilities, deployment, etc). If valuable information were widely dispersed, no single or few individuals could concentrate power as  happens now. Increasing transparency makes better resistance.

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