Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The economy is an ecosystem, not a machine

Features of economies:

(1) Workers participate in economic activity to support themselves so... economies exist to promote worker survival and well-being

(2) Economies cannot be destroyed (the collapse of nations and empires -modern examples are Somalia and the British Empire- do not eliminate commerce or trade).

(3) Economies cannot be repressed (even in the most straightened of circumstances where capital and goods are in short supply; infrastructure is nonexistent and social structure best described as absent -such as refugee camps- trade commences and economies develop). Likewise, the collapse of Wall St. financial institutions would seriously stall major economic activity but workers would still work/exchange/trade/barter goods and services to survive.

(4) Economies change over time in response to changes in technology and culture.

Economies are self-organizing, self-sustaining entities.


Features of machines:

(1) Machines are designed (to perform a specific function).

(2) Machines need an operator (at minimum, someone flip the start switch).

(3) Machines can operate in range from full capacity to completely off.

(4) Machine operation can be restored by repairing/replacing malfunctioning part(s).

(5) Machines are static - they cannot change independent of an outside agent.

Machines are fully controlled by designers and operators.


Features of ecosystem:

(1) Ecosystems cannot be fully destroyed. They can be decimated to the point of little economic import (desertified agricultural land) but some degree of wildlife will always be present (bacteria, fungi, insects, plants…).

(2) Ecosystems are self-organizing. After any large scale environmental disruption, ecological communities undergoes ecological succession, the progressive migration of new colonizing species to an established community of stable species of a climax community (provided climatic and other major disruptors are in check). They evolve over time through changes in species composition and number.

(3) Ecosystems are self-sustaining through self-organized food webs.

Ecosystems are self-organizing, self-sustaining living communities.


Lessons from Great Recession (and Great Depression):

-No single legislative action has returned economy to ‘full’ operation (repairing/replacing broken ‘part’ hasn’t fixed the problem).

-Commerce did not suddenly stop and disappear.


So which makes for a better metaphor for economies, machines or ecosystems?

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