Tuesday, December 13, 2016

A Trump administration...

... will change the trajectory of the U.S. economy to something more like China's. This is a comment I left at a Truthout post which partially lists the president-elect's appointees thus far:
This reminds me of a terrifying article by Richard Smith about the devastating environmental effects of unregulated industrial growth in China and the corrupt political system that enables it. American democracy has already been weakened by the GWB and BHO administrations (in all state relations, the poor and minorities are less equal than the rich and majority - police brutality; banking/investing fraud; voting access; fossil fuel related issues...). If the Trump cabal has its way, they will set the U.S. along a path similar to that of China. So long as the power, influence and wealth of the cabal increases, all else can to hell; workers will be poisoned by industrial pollution; starved of living wages; deprived of life saving medical care and cheated of their human dignity.
Of course, this is also true of Hillary but at a slightly slower pace.

Trump's primary meme during the election was 'make America great again'. But he never defined (1) what 'America' is and (2) 'again' implies it was great in the past which he never defined. His appointments suggests his slogan actually means 'make the American Trump cabal richer again'.

I highly recommend the article by Richard Smith. It's long but covers an incredible amount of ground... and considering how much American corporations and government keep secret, think of the implications for the U.S. economy. Then consider what would happen if no information were kept secret. The ultimate reform, economic, political and everything else, is information transparency.

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