Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Who's the real enemy?

It was an odd presidential election to say the least. One of its outstanding oddities is Hilary's quick acquiescence to defeat and her unwillingness to pursue a 'recount' in the states where the vote count was dubious. Hilary Clinton is smart, strong willed and ambitious. After winning 2.8 million more votes than her opponent, she uncharacteristically declines make a perfectly reasonable legal query to challenge the election outcome. The question is why?...

Greg Palast has an explanation. According to him, the two primary reasons are:

(1) The DLC (Democratic Leadership Council) was started with $100,000 from the Koch brothers. This organization got Bill Clinton started in politics. So the Clintons have a debt to the brothers who have had a huge part in organizing the modern Republican Party.

(2) The establishment Democratic Party is as guilty of voter suppression as the Republican Party. The Democrats actively suppressed progressive voters during the primary against Bernie Sanders to ensure Hilary would capture the party nomination.

So the facts are:
-Republicans cry vote fraud to suppress minority (largely Democratic) voters.
-Democrats suppress progressive voters to game the selection towards corporate friendly nominees.

What's clear from this is that both major parties are on the same side. Neither party is looking after the interests of regular working people. They all use pretty worlds and flashy pictures to sell voters their version of 'The American Fairy Tale'. The real battle in American politics isn't between Democrat and Republican; they're on the same side, the side of their wealthy donors. The real battle is between wealthy donors and regular working Americans.

In the linked video, Greg Palast mentions that Al Gore was warned by Warren Christopher to not pursue a recount (it may be more accurate to say, Warren Christopher passed on a threat). In exchange for passing the presidency, Al Gore today is a Nobel laureate worth close to a billion dollars. Will passing the presidency net Hilary a substantial financial reward? She and Bill are doing pretty well as it is.

Now contrast the cultural and financial standing of Al Gore and Bill & Hilary Clinton to James Risen, Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden. The former were amply rewarded for not revealing the corruption inside the American political and electoral systems. The latter have been pursued/persecuted/jailed for revealing corruption in the U.S. military/intelligence gathering.

Finally, ask yourself who are the real enemies of the state and who are the real heroes of the state.

Update: It has been reported that Bill and Hilary Clinton will attend the upcoming Presidential inauguration. Supposedly 'She and President Clinton, the sources said, decided to do so out of a sense of duty and respect for the American democratic process.' A process that the Clintons, as prominent members of the Democratic establishment,
did much to damage beyond repair.

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