Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Whistleblowing DJT

A comment I left at The Real News Network:

"I think that it's actually whistleblowers that pose the gravest danger to Trump. Because he's going to be creating the most criminogenic environment in U.S. history -- not just himself, but the cronies that he picked. These are people that fundamentally don't believe in public service. They will be doing immense sleazy things."

We should have had universal whistleblower protection well in advance of the most recent presidential election. The entire economic and political system is corrupt beyond fiction. And one trait they share with criminal organizations is their propensity for secrecy, closed doors and sub rosa deal making. State secrets under the guise of 'security' and 'defense' allow politicians to hide embarrassing, illegal, immoral and corrupt activities and policies; patents, trademarks, proprietary information and corporate confidentiality allow corporations to profit from information - produce consumer goods from patents; suppress competition by controlling competing ideas; hide facts of public endangerment with bad consumer goods or waste dumping; willfully disregard abuse of workers, etc.

Secrecy enabled the failed system that elected DJT. Calling for whistleblowers to attack him won't fix the systemic problems in the system; electing another president still keeps the corrupt Democratic/Republican duopoly in power. We should demand universal whistleblower protection for all sectors of society and not just to target DJT.

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