Thursday, May 4, 2017

Patterns within

Audio interview at Truthout with two activists addressing economic issues in relation to race. It's curious that while they can see the policy of wealth from black communities, they never apply that same dynamic on a larger scale... other social divisions and economies as a whole. My comment:
"the actual function of how these companies operate is built on the extraction of wealth from people of color" is a microcosm of all economies; economies are hierarchical structures (think pyramid) where everyone in the higher tiers feed off the labor of workers who produce the goods (base). The agriculture sector is an example where farmers, harvesters and food processors/packers literally produce the goods from which workers in all other sectors feed. Based on size alone, workers should have the most power in any economy. Unfortunately, workers are susceptible to division by any number of classifications including color (black, brown, tan, white), sexuality (LGBT, feminism), religion (abortion/prayer/anti-semitism/Islam), and legal status. In the U.S., both major political parties actively incite division amongst workers to counter organized resistance - the 'great' Democratic-Republican political battles are mere puppet shows behind which the same operators pull all the strings.
The reform efforts of your guests are laudable but considering the systemic corruption at the bedrock of the economic/political system, they are only relieving the symptoms, not rooting out the cause.

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