Sunday, July 2, 2017

GOP healthcare bill will tank the economy

Comment at C&L:
Healthcare is currently about 6% of the economy. If the 'mean' GOP deathcare bill manages to cut medical spending and give a hefty tax cut to the wealthy (and kill a number of Americans along the way), this will also have major effects on the larger economy. On the positive side, the funeral industry will grow (/s). On the negative side, taxes cuts for rich people does not change their consumption; it's removing money from the economy; all sick people and their families will be forced to cut their discretionary spending to pay for medical care. The end result, the medical sector of the economy will expand relative to the shrinking of all other parts of the economy.

Good job GOP! (/s)

Related comment at C&L:
Or any perspective outside her donors, no, make that investors. The transfer of healthcare spending on sick Americans to wealthy 'taxpayers' (better described as capitalists plunderers) will make sick Americans spend their discretionary funds on medical care. The rest of the economy will lose out, especially the leisure sector. GOP, the party that will destroy all prospects of future prosperity.

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