Saturday, July 8, 2017

Need transparent elections

My comment a C&L post decrying legitimacy of elected officials in light of their lack of transparency:

The intent of the first amendment's free speech right is the freedom to speak truth to power without threat of imprisonment. In a democracy, power lies in the voters, so speech directed at voters (press) is free of government intervention. Unfortunately, the Supreme Court has allowed media to lie in supposed news programs. The damage to media credibility is amplified by accusations of liberal bias and fake news. We now have a President whose every word has questionable veracity.
For years I have said the greatest reform to our political and economic system can only come about through a massive increase in transparency. Markets aren't free because consumers don't buy with full knowledge of the products (pollution controls, worker's rights/safety, etc). Citizen's aren't free because voters don't vote with full knowledge of candidates (candidates lie, financial support, etc).
Great post.

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