Wednesday, July 26, 2017

States and corporations practice censorship

Gideon Levy was interviewed about: Israelis Shut Out Palestinian Calls for Freedom
SkepticalPartisan • 18 hours ago
This is why I support and watch independent journalism like TRNN. It's not only state sponsored/enforced censorship; MSM self censors their content on behalf of their financial interests. Secrecy and control of information is the enemy of democracy. Governments and private institutions use regulation to control information. Greater transparency enables informed choice which gives power to the voter/buyer, not the candidate/seller.

peepsqueek  to SkepticalPartisan • 11 hours ago
Can you think of anyone that does more censoring than Islamic Countries, repression of free speech and expression?
With the exception of Israel, all Middle East and North African Countries are signatories to the Cairo Declaration of Human Rights:
Article 19: "There shall be NO crime or punishment EXCEPT as provided for in the Sharia."
Article 24: "All the rights and freedoms stipulated in this Declaration are subject to the Islamic Sharia."
Article 25: "The Islamic Sharia is the ONLY source of reference for the explanation or clarification of ANY of the articles of this Declaration."
The Jews of Israel are the only religious and ethnic minority int he Middle East that have the full right of self determination. The banner of Islam flies over 99.9% of the Middle East land mass. What would you be asking if the the situation was reversed?

SkepticalPartisan to  peepsqueek • 9 hours ago
You illustrate the exact point of my comment. Our media censors information about Israel - we do not know and cannot respond without knowledge. Israeli media also censors what their internal media reports to their residents/citizens. We have been told about censorship in Islamic Countries which enables you to comment and take a position. Information about Islamic censorship gives you the choice to act. There's little media coverage of Israeli censorship.
And yes, I agree and acknowledge Islamic Countries censor. My original comment applies across the board without regard to borders, boundaries or religions.

peepsqueek to  SkepticalPartisan • 7 hours ago
We know a lot more about Israel because they have a whole range of non-Government media and foreign press all over Israel. Israelis do not have to be afraid to speak to anyone, nor do they have to be afraid to criticize the Israeli government. There is freedom of association, speech, and expression, and Israeli Jews,

SkepticalPartisan  to peepsqueek • 7 hours ago
I am an anonymous commenter; my opinion is largely irrelevant. And yes, "Israeli Jews, Christians, and Arabs come and go as they please"... but only in undisputed parts of Israel; there is very little freedom of movement which also restricts associated in the Gaza and the West Bank. That is why I originally commented. I appreciate TRNN providing Gideon Levy the opportunity to give a Palestinian slant. I want TRNN to continue to seek and report unreported stories and viewpoints. Political coverage in the U.S. is largely limited to the very narrow spectrum defined by the two major parties; anything slightly left or up, down and sideways are either labelled extreme or ignored. The control of information removes choice and thus democracy from voters/consumers.
BTW, do residents of Gaza and the West Bank have their own media to tell their stories? Or are they dependent on Israeli and international media?

peepsqueek  to SkepticalPartisan • 7 hours ago
Gaza and the West Bank have never in history had their own newspaper. The first newspaper in the area was the Palestinian Post, which became the Jerusalem Post after Israel became an independent state.
As far as walls and fences, before the occupation and the walls and fences, who protected the Israeli civilian population from regular attacks? Now there are very few attacks. Who is protecting the civilian populations in the other 28 conflicts and border wars around the world today involving repressive Islamic regimes? Are they all freedom fighters and martyrs for Islam?
Just for balance and proper context, there are many walls and barriers involving Muslim Countries: Malaysia-Thailand border, Melilla border fence in Spain, Indo-Bangladeshi barrier, Indo-Burma barrier, Indian Kashmir barrier, Iran-Pakistan barrier, Kazakh-Uzbekistan barrier, Kuwait-Iraq barrier, Pakistan-Afghanistan barrier, Russia/Chechnya, Saudi-Yemen barrier, Arab Emirates/Oman, Saudi/Yemen, Turkmen/ Uzbekistan, Egypt/Gaza, Syria/Turkey, Sudan/Sudan, Kenya/Somalia, etc, and many more walls and fences within Muslim Countries to separate different sects from having at each other.

SkepticalPartisan to  peepsqueek • 6 hours ago
"...for balance and proper context..."
Thank you for your continual reinforcing of my original comment. Knowledge is power. Without knowledge of the barriers you describe, we have no foundation upon which to voice support or dissent; without a voice, our votes can only support the the story we are spoon fed. I would appreciate any efforts by TRNN to interview people affected by the barriers you list.

peepsqueek  to SkepticalPartisan • 6 hours ago
Without those barriers there was chaos-- religious, tribal, sectarian, and nationalistic violence. There are 7.5 billion people on the planet today, in a world with dwindling resources. Without these lines, there would be continuous violence and chaos. This is why the Western world does business with all these Middle East dictators and totalitarian governments that maintain some measure of control, even though they are repressive governments.

SkepticalPartisan  to peepsqueek • 6 hours ago
The political leaders of "the Western world does business with all these Middle East dictators and totalitarian governments". It isn't clear that the people and voters of the Western world would choose to do "business with all these Middle East dictators and totalitarian governments". Voters need information to make decisions. Without transparency, voters are choosing between packaging with no clue of what's inside, like choosing between multiple doors in a game show; they could all be hiding the same 'prize'.

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