Saturday, August 12, 2017

Both are scary

Eddie Baza Calvo is Governor of Guam. He posted a video of his call with DJT after DJT threatened North Korea with 'fire and fury' to which they said their next missile test would be aimed at Guam which hosts multiple American military bases.

DJT said this to Gov. Calvo: “I can tell you this — tourism, you’re going to go up like 10-fold with the expenditure of no money so I congratulate you.”

... as if he's using the North Korea dispute as a way to generate free media attention to his overpriced vacation resort. This when he's also demanding Mitch McConnell 'get back to work and put Repeal & Replace, Tax Reform & Cuts and a great Infrastructure Bill on my desk for signing.' To DJT, POTUS is a figurehead whose only responsibility is to lounge in front of a television for positive media from Fox News, make a few public appearances/statements/tweets at his leisure and sign anything a Republican legislature can get to his desk. He has no responsibilities to setting or selling policy. Sad!

And if DJT weren't sad enough, Gov. Calvo said, “As an American citizen I have never felt more safe or so confident with you at the helm... With all the criticism that’s going on over there, from a guy that’s being targeted, we need a president like you.”

I hope for the sake of the people of Guam, their Governor was exercising impeccable manners and speaking from his heart.

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