Friday, August 4, 2017

Capitalism is destroying the economy

Michael Hudson was interviewed at TRNN. He links the incentives of stock market, financialized capitalism to the failure of the American economy to thrive; instead of investing in innovation and workers, owners are feeding off workers through monopoly. It fits into my ideas of how ecosystems are a metaphor/model for economies. Go read/watch/listen. It's very informative. 

My comment:
The key take homes: "Trump's donors were basically the monopolists: the Koch brothers, and the oil and gas industry, and other far-right-wing corporate organizations that are all in favor of monopoly... Both parties have the same donor class and they're trying to get elected by groups in America that they have no intention at all of carrying forth their promises to help their interests." 
Follow the money trail for motive and intent of policy. And know that a major intent of policy and regulation is to hide & control information to make it difficult or illegal to follow the money. 
As I've posted in the past, regulations are tools of power to control information. Secrecy and control of information are enemies of democracy. Without transparency, voters/consumers are choosing between packaging with no clue of what's inside, like choosing between multiple doors in a game show; they could all be hiding the same 'prize'. Increasing transparency through universal whisteblower protection is a good place to start. 

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