Thursday, March 23, 2017

Bernie should not start a political party

Comment at a TRNN story discussing the attempt to recruit Bernie to start a new political party:
The notion of creating another political party with the intent of advancing progressive policy through electoral success is silly on its face. 
The raison d'etre of the Republican and Democratic parties is to raise enormous amounts of money from big donors so between the two parties, the interests of big donors are always the forefront of all policy/regulations. The minor differences in social issues serve as icing on the cake to distract voters from the real underlying transfer of economic and political power to the big donor class. These are essentially political corporations. 
The raison d'etre of lesser political parties is either (1) express/disseminate 'non-standard' ideology that is ignored by the extremely limited options offered by the two major parties and/or (2) attract enough voters to achieve automatic ballot access. They are most often limited by campaign funds and media access. 
Any new party would have all the disadvantages of lesser parties with the risk of big money take over should any lesser party achieve any degree of electoral success. The problem with the system is too much power/money concentrated in too few hands. Another political party doesn't change that equation.

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