Thursday, March 23, 2017

Trump's backer

Robert Mercer is the secretive hedge fund billionaire who backed DJT's election - he's responsible for the addition of Kellyanne Conway and Steve Bannon to Trump's team. Jane Mayer said this on a Democracy Now segment about Robert Mercer:
...And what he's done is he has tried to take this fortune and reshape, first, the Republican Party and, then, America, along his own lines. His ideology is extreme. He's way far on the right. He hates government. Kind of -- according to another colleague, David Magerman, at Renaissance Technologies, Bob Mercer wants to shrink the government down to the size of a pinhead. He has contempt for social services and for the people who need social services...
From the Mercer perspective, government is not legitimate. A non-legitimate government cannot be betrayed... so colluding with Russian interference to elect DJT would not be treason. DJT's tagline is 'Make America great again'. He's never defined 'America' or 'American' or 'great'. His major backer, Mercer, doesn't believe in American people or government. Trump's policies - anti-immigrant, anti-climate, anti-healthcare, anti-poor, etc. - indicate a complete disregard for a large segment of the American public. It appears the political ambitions of Trump and Mercer are to blow up America as we know it and profit as much as possible in the process. To apply DJT to himself - 'bad hombres'.

I disagree with the model of large scale nation-states; they concentrate too much power in too few individuals. But the Trump/Mercer intent appears to concentrate power in a few rich and power people without the state as a legal safeguard. This is much, much worst than large nation-states. I fear for the country and the world.

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