Monday, March 6, 2017

More than consumer information

Comment at Truthout post proposing graphic warning labels:

Yes, fully informing consumers is the only way to democratize markets. Without complete information, it is not possible to consume your values; instead, you are forced to consume the values of those controlling information. Consuming values in both literal sense of eating and figurative sense of supporting human/animal/environmental rights. 
But why stop with direct consumer information? Information is used to control and manipulate the behavior of everyone. DJT incites fear by calling immigrants criminals and terrorists in order to gain support for his 'Mexican-paid' wall and Muslim ban. Department of Defense uses national security fears to avoid and get away with not conducting legally mandated audits to (a) force politicians to increase their funding and (b) terrify voters into paying their bills. DuPont hid the health impacts of PFOA so consumers would continue to buy/use teflon. Pharma uses patent protection to obscenely profit from life saving drugs. All sorts of technology companies repress competition by buying and quashing innovative inventions and patents... 
Information transparency would initiate the most transformative and revolutionary political and cultural reform. It won't come from the top. The only possibility is a grassroots revolution.

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